Welcome to The Magdalene Star Light Temple
The Path to Awakening Your Divine Blueprint
Your Membership Portal to the Magdalene Feminine Mysteries.
Registration Open
The Magdalene Star Light Temple is an online membership course that guides you through the three tiers of consciousness. It is rooted in an ancient feminine lineage of Mary Magdalene and the Grail path.
This course is the master course of alchemy guiding you through the Shining Paths to becoming the Living Grail - an instrument for Divine Love and Light.
A potent journey that stirs the soul awake and encourages embodiment, sacred body awakening, and incarnated spirituality.

"To encounter the mystical Grail of myth is to be healed.
To serve the living Grail is to bless.
To become the Grail is to give birth to a new heaven and a new earth and a new you."
The Knight of Fiery Hope via Jeremy Berg
What You'll Learn
- Master the practice of self-emptying
- Release past wounds and trauma
- Access the Sacred Temples in your body
- How to enter the imaginal realm
- Understand Sacred Texts
- Sacred relationship
- Listen to the wisdom of your body
- Sacred union/sacred alchemy
- Retrieve lost parts of yourself
- Experience the three levels of consciousness as it pertains to the Tree of Life
- Awaken your Divine Blueprint in your body
- How to navigate the Dark Night of the Soul
- The Art of Holy Prayer
- Your personal archetypes
"It meant so much to me to have this class this year, to feel the workings for change and progression in the world and to honor myself and to feel your support!!! THANK YOU a million times over!!! Powerful!!!" JO, Massachusetts
The Three Chalices of the Tree of Life

The Womb Chalice
You begin your journey at the roots of the Tree of Life in the realm of the Primordial Mother. This path is known as the Magical Triangle where the personality --your beliefs and your perceptions of reality are challenged. You'll walk the paths that weave together your dualistic nature as the origin of your humaness is revealed.
As you explore the paths of ancient traditions, you will be guided through gateways of deeper knowing, deeper wisdom and into the moon mysteries.
It's a path that has been walked by the mystic, the magician and the holy woman or man. It is a journey that leads us from the manifested world of duality to the un-manifested world of oneness and cosmic union - the ultimate Sacred Marriage of heaven and earth.

The Heart Chalice
Your next part of the Magdalene Mysteries guides you to the Ethical Triangle and the place of the heart. You go from being a pilgrim on the path to a seeker. And here, the path will guide you to seeking your self through working with both personal archetypes and the elements of nature.
You'll turn to the natural world, call in your medicine animal and ask for guidance into the Otherworld. While awakening your own inner nature, you'll also awaken and deepen your relationship with nature.
Through traditional shamanic and mystical practices, you'll retrieve the aspects of the forgotten self, healed and united within the heart.
In this aspect of the Tree of Life, we'll continue to weave together Celtic and Egyptian mysteries as they pertain to the unveiling of the true Christian origins.

The Cosmic Chalice
Your journey now leads you deeper into the mysteries and to the feet of the Divine Mother. Mother Mary and Isis both represent the incarnated aspects of Sophia and are seated at the top of the Tree of Life bearing a crown. It's in this "temple", where we are closest to the one self, and the realm furthest from the manifested world. It's a temple of subtleties and formlessness. In the traditional tarot deck, it's where the Fool begins her journey.
But for you, you've walked the paths from the Underworld, and the base of the tree, returning home, to your true self, wholeness and your own Divine nature.
You will be guided into the mysteries of Mother Mary's 12-starred crown and how it relates to the earth. Along with the Knights of the Round Table.
You're being called to fully embody your Divine nature and anchor in wisdom and love for the Golden Age.
The Magdalene Star Temple guides you through the Shining Paths of the Tree of Life. It's a journey into a series of paths and light temples that help to awaken your Divine Blueprint. As your true nature responds to the temple codes and teachings, you simultaneously release, disentangle and dissolve the threads that tie you to a world built in fear.
This isn't an intellectual approach to mysticism or personal growth. Instead, it's a grounded practice that involves body awareness, pathwork and self-inquiry prompts that takes you from knowing the Divine to embodying the Divine.

What Your Membership Includes

Meditation Audios
With each module, you'll receive interactive meditations referred to as pathworks that will guide you into the consciousness of each Sephiroh Temple. The meditations will give you a direct experience of each temple and contact with the guide, god or goddess overseeing the temple.
A meditative pathwork is equivalent to a shamanic journey as it reveals unconscious emotions, beliefs and patterns as well as gifts you with messages and often, profound insight.

Shining Path Guidance
In depth video and written lessons pertaining to your journey through the Tree of Life are part of each module. These lessons help to provide context to your experiences, as well as demonstrate where the Sephiroh Temples pertain to your physical body.
The lessons also include insight for further exploration in regards to the healing systems that are branches of the Tree of Life such as astrology, numerology and specifically, tarot.

Supportive Sisterhood
Many self-study courses have no way to communicate with other students. This is particularly true in the mystery traditions where self-study is the only way to learn the mysteries. This is to support you in developing your own unique perspective and confidence. In this course, I encourage you to share your experiences and post comments after each lesson and pathwork. It's beneficial, not to compare your perspective, but to learn from others and also to validate your own experience.

Goddess Scroll
Each lesson includes self-inquiry prompts and simple exercises and ritual to support you through the month to engage with the energy of the path and to further cultivate your innate gifts.
The exercises, while seemingly mundane at times, is what helps you to develop awareness and other innate gifts such as clairvoyance and psychism.
Previous students have printed off each journal and created a file that when taking the course for a second time review their journals to see how much their experience has deepened.
"It will bring you to a whole new place in your life!
Take it if you want to align with your whole, authentic self!" MK, Virginia

"You have helped me activate my own power in a way no one else has and helped me navigate my healing journey to allow me to bloom". HR, Maine
How many months is this program?
How often will I receive course material?
What will I receive each month?
What if I have a question or need clarification on course content?
How long will I have access to this course?
Will there be any Live Calls?
Is the Sacred Oil Alchemy Course a prerequisite?

Become a Member!
A unique course that reveals the ancient pathways to wholeness and Divine embodiment through incarnated spirituality. A revolutionary way of learning the most ancient of teachings and the path of the Magdalene.
REGISTRATION WILL OPEN JANUARY 1ST, 2025 and will continue to be ongoing.