Sacred Oil Alchemy

The Path of the Myrrhophore

An Ancient Tradition from a Forgotten Faith



Self-study, on-demand course.  YOU can start any time with full access to the course as soon as you register!





The Holy Myrrh Bearer

Long ago, there were women who knew the art of working with Sacred Oils.  They were referred to as the Myrrhophores or Holy Myrrh Bearer. 

Mary Magdalene was one of these women.

She has returned to our consciousness as a gentle and sometimes fierce guide helping us to reclaim our power, our truth and to part the veils from this world to the other.

She was removed from the world myth, and her voice and teachings buried. She has now found her way back to her rightful place as a priestess, an alchemist, wise woman and grail carrier.

Her journey is every woman's journey. 

In this class, you'll journey into this holy sisterhood and learn how to blend and communicate with Sacred Oils.  You'll experience the loving power of the oils to assist you and your loved ones open to your own grail potential.

What You'll Learn



  • How Sacred Oils nourish and awaken your Light Body
  • How to Communicate with the oils
  • Which oils are considered sacred
  • The history of the Myrrhophore tradition
  • European method of blending oils
  • Safety measures
  • The role of a psychopomp
  • Walking between worlds
  • Option for certification in Sacred Oil Alchemy
  • Sacred oil uses and applications
  • The origins of sacred oils
  • In-depth understanding of 5 specific oils
  • The foundational principles of alchemy
  • The holy Cathars and their sacred ritual

Discover the Power of Scent

Beginning with the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, sacred oils have been used for healing, anointing and for the dying, ensuring the soul's safe passage into the Otherworld. 

Fragrance has an invisible influence over our emotions and memories, and the ability to penetrate our subconscious. 

This class guides you into the wisdom of using oils to help heal past traumas, but also to awaken to new consciousness.



The Myrrhophores are being called to guide humanity across the threshold to the Golden Age!

What this Course Offers


The Course

This self-study, on-demand course offers FIVE modules, containing video, written material as well as a downloadable pdf.

Each lesson shares a bit of history, how oils work on a soul level, as well as details on a specific oil. 

Work at your own pace.

Discounted private sessions with Trista - Optional


The Pathwork

Each lesson contains a pathwork recording specific to the lesson.  Pathworks are more than a meditation, guiding you deep into the Myrrhophore consciousness.

It's this part of the course where you access the wisdom of the Myrrhophores and become initiated into their sacred tradition.

Community & Live Calls

Each lesson offers a space for you to share your experiences working with the oils.  And please do share!  You'll be amazed at how many of you are having a similar experience - sometimes the same symbol, or even the same song is revealed in your meditations.

I'll be offering live calls periodically for any and all students, past and present to join. Please visit the "library" for recordings of previous calls.

Aromatherapy Foundation Course

Our Sacred Oil Alchemy course includes a 12-lesson aromatherapy course in a downloadable format.  For those of you who have no previous experience working with essential oils, this additional information will give you what you need.

A Spiritual Seeker's Experience...

"This class was a launch pad into the direction I wanted to take my life and it gave me the stepping stones on how to do it.

It’s true for me to say that the insight and wisdom Trista brings to her students and her classes is priceless and changed my life.

I have also learned that with internal quests, no one else can do our work for us, but great guides and teachers can aid us in our work to bring out our best and truest Selves.

Trista is one such Teacher and I am so incredibly, incredibly grateful for her presence, her Work and her Love in these things. Thank you."   LP, 2020

Your Sacred Oil Guide

Trista Haggerty is a certified aromatherapist and herbalist.  She has worked with oils and plants in many different ways over the past 20 years.  But it wasn't until after her first trip to Egypt back in 2007, that she began to understand how to work with the oils on a soul level.  Combined with her 25 years of travel to sacred sites, where she immersed herself in ancient initiations and healing modalities, Trista's work is deep and transformative. 

Learn More

Lisa Marie Porter, US

"It was remarkable!  My only experience meditating before this had been similar but shorter visualization methods, parsed out here and there over my lifetime.  My dedication to this class means that by the end, I had not only done some sort of focused intent work every day for several weeks and journaled  about it, but the time I spent on it had gone from 10 to 30 minutes a day and I enjoyed it. 
The payback?
It was tremendous.  I wouldn't even know until almost a year later how tremendous it was and what incredible internal gifts I would receive during class."


Nicole Langis, Canada

"Trista is a wonderful guide.  Her Sacred Oil Alchemy program provided me with a journey into ancient traditions and sacred oils. 
Through this course and from Trista, I gained a deeper connection with sacred oils including those oils that I worked with prior to this course. 
Trista is generous and compassionate in her sharing of knowledge and experience."

Sunandha Karthik, Dubai

The Sacred Oil Alchemy course is a wonderful journey with master oils and Trista is a gifted spiritual guide and mentor on this journey!  A magical and mystical journey awaits those who wish to open this door to understand themselves on a deeper level.  The oils are powerful and work with aspects of the brain that are not in the conscious awareness.  Awakening and deepening my connection with the ascended masters has been the result of these incredible journeys. 
Highly recommend Trista's class to those doing deep spiritual work and looking for a gentle and experienced guide to lead them forward."

Dr. Claretta Y. Dupree, US

"I was a frequent user of essential oils prior to enrolling in this course.  I mostly used them in a diffuser.  Sadly, I also was not very mindful in my use of them.  I had come across the word 'myrrhophore' and my insides jumped!  I had long known that I am sensitive to and remember smells and odors, but did not know why.  This course showed me.
I learned to understand and treat the oils as sacred organisms.  I learned that each oil has an energetic vibration.  Ms. Haggerty included in the course divinely-inspired guided meditations(path work) for each oil.  These were so helpful in connecting with the oils and learning to let the oils communicate. 
This course is good for those who want to learn about the myrrhophore tradition.  I plan to take it again, so that I can go even deeper and learn even more from Ms. Haggerty (who has been doing this work a long time)."

Are YOU ready to join the ancient sisterhood of the Myrrhophores?

Installment Plan

4 x $99 USD

Access to self-study, on-demand, 5-Lesson Sacred Oil Course

Video, Audio & Written Curriculum

Access to 12-Lesson, aromatherapy Foundation Course

Book of Remedies

Life-time Access to ALL Course Updates


One Installment $375 USD

Access to self-study, on-demand, 5-Lesson Sacred Oil Course

Video, Audio & Written Curriculum

Access to 12-Lesson, aromatherapy Foundation Course

Book of Remedies

Life-time Access to ALL Course Updates