The Magdalene walks between worlds, with one foot in our world and another on the higher paths. She is here to guide humanity into the GOLDEN AGE.

Her mysteries awaken YOUR Divine Feminine Wisdom to become a Living Bridge between HEAVEN AND EARTH as we usher in a New Era.

The Magdalene Star Light Temple

 Awaken Your Divine Blueprint within Your Sacred Body and come into full Remembrance of WHO YOU ARE.

Through walking the Shining Paths of the Magdalene, you BECOME the DIVINE VESSEL for creating HEAVEN ON EARTH.


"To encounter the mystical Grail of myth is to be healed. To serve the living Grail is to bless. To become the living Grail is to give birth to a new heaven and a new earth and a new you."

The Knight of Fiery Hope via Jeremy Berg

Sacred Oil Alchemy

The Path of the Holy Myrrh Bearer

Discover the ancient tradition of the Myrrhophore, or Holy Myrrh Bearer, and how this knowledge is so very important for today.  Join the growing number of women who are reclaiming this wisdom as a powerful remedy for ushering in the Golden Age.

Sacred Travel with Trista

Sacred Mountain Tours- Boutique Tours for the Mystic at Heart

Join Trista on an unforgettable journey where you'll encounter some of the more powerful ancient sites in the world.

Trista has been traveling to ancient sites throughout the UK, Ireland, France and Egypt for over 30 years. She guides people to the "thin" places where the beings of other realms are palpable.  

The areas where our ancient ancestors created their spiritual communities are powerful places that offer deep transformation, and awaken our own ancient wisdom.

Click the button below and join our "traveling mystery school"!


Checkout Upcoming Tours

Womb Meditations

Your womb is Sacred, and your relationship with your womb is the foundation for creating your life and aligning with your Divine essence.

This FREE teaching guides you into the womb mysteries for the three stages of womanhood - the Maiden, Mother and Crone.


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